Workshop on Epistemic Game Theory

Stony Brook, NY, July 19-20, 2010

Schedule of Talks


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Monday, July 19

9:00 - 9:50

Pierpaolo Battigalli  (Università Bocconi)
Context-Dependent Forward Induction Reasoning

9:50 - 10:40

Giacomo Bonanno  (University of California,Davis)
AGM belief revision, Perfect Bayesian equilibrium and sequential equilibrium

10:40 - 11:10

Coffee Break

11:10 - 11:50

Alfredo Di Tillio  (Bocconi University)
Conditional Beliefs in Dynamic Games

11:50 - 12:30

Songzi Du  (Stanford University)
Correlated Equilibrium via Hierarchies of Beliefs

12:30 - 14:00

Lunch Break

14:00 - 14:40

Andres Perea  (Maastricht University)
Belief in the opponents' future rationality

14:40 - 15:20

Michael Trost  (Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg)
On the Equivalence of Iterated Application of a Choice Rule and Common Belief of Applying that Rule

15:20 - 15:50

Coffee Break

15:50 - 16:30

Spyros Galanis  (University of Southampton)
Admissibility and Event-Rationality

16:30 - 17:20

Joseph Halpern  (Cornell University)
A Logical Characterization of Iterated Admissibility

18:00 - 21:30

Reception Dinner at Three Village Inn


Tuesday, July 20

9:00 - 9:50

Martin Meier  (Institut fur Hohere Studien, Wien, and Instituto de Análisis Económico, CSIC)
Dynamic Unawareness and Rationalizable Behavior

9:50 - 10:30

Elias Tsakas  (Maastricht University)
A reasoning approach to introspection and unawareness

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee Break

11:00 - 11:40

Willemien Kets  
Do You Think About What I Think you Think? Finite Belief Hierarchies in Games

11:40 - 12:20

Miklos Pinter  (Corvinus University of Budapest)
The non-existence of a universal topological type space

12:20 - 14:00

Lunch Break

14:00 - 14:40

Ziv Hellman  (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Almost Common Priors

14:40 - 15:20

Akira Yokotani  (University of Rochester)
The Belief Hierarchy Representation of Harsanyi Type Spaces with Redundancy

15:20 - 15:50

Coffee Break

15:50 - 16:30

Chih Chun Yang  (University of Rochester)
Weak Assumption and Admissibility

16:30 - 17:20

Adam Brandenburger  (Stern School of Business, New York University)
Origins of Epistemic Game Theory

